The Full Story
Microlens for Vision Correcting Display
Nearsightedness is a type of vision problem that prevents people from observing objects clearly at a far distance. Instead of using eyeglasses, we strive to solve this problem with the Vision Correction Display (VCD) technology and microlens arrays, a type of optical device placed in front of the display screen. With a combination of the optical device and a specially designed computer program to regenerate the displayed image, people with nearsightedness are able to observe sharp images without eyeglasses. Users can enter their myopia degrees to generate customized images on the screen without changing optical devices. This technology makes correction customizable, light-weighted, and with smaller aberrations.

Our Focus
Our group is focusing on developing the combination of a theoretical model and an accompanying algorithm for a computer program to regenerate, or prefilter, images. We have made progress in developing the theoretical mathematical/physical model, and we have finished a vectorized algorithm that is based on the theoretical model. We are looking forward to moving on to the stage of developing computer programs. We are also looking for opportunities to do real-life simulations by capturing results with a camera and to do experiments with human testers.